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Please email or call if you know current addresses! THANKS!
East Class of '82 ~ 20th Reunion

Unknowns from Nov. Mailing: Paul Borseth, Randy Anderson, Kris (Berg) Bailey, Wayne Dietz, Jon Essen, Scott Gustavson, Bill Haefner, Lisa Johnson, Jon Natvig, Becky Reichel, Vicki Todd, Mauricio Quintero, Dena Waibel.

The list we had no addresses for:
Dave Anderson, Brian Anderson, Deb Anderson, Kevin Bies, Tara Broughten, James Browning, Carlos Bryne, Ricky Carman, John Christensen, Stephen Cox, Duc Dang, Thien Van Dinh, Susan Feltes, Charles Ferguson, Sherry Foster, Jeff Friedricks, Jane Henshaw, Richard Hinrichsen, Kristine Isley, Sam Khouri, Jason Kueker, Jeff Kueker, Lori Laven, Carla Lechner, Dan Milbrett, Eric Miller, Lori Moore, Timothy Olson, Ellie Plata, Mary Smith, Cathy Symens, Tanya Vanderberg, Dan Wacker, Dennis Weber, James Widboom.
Please contact Heidi if you have information!

In our memories...

~ On a personal note ~
I was asked (through email) who we have lost in our class. I said that I thought it was just these 5: Alan Klingbeil, Rich Detjen, John Chinander, Mark Krueger and Shawn Spurgen. I do not know the exact dates for these classmates, or how their families are doing, but perhaps some of you know those details and would pass them along to me so I can add that information here or we can share it at the reunion.

Let us know if there are any events or updates you would like to share with your classmates.